Thursday, August 7, 2008

Some advice for people like me...

so if you have a habit of being a cluts or bad luck, dont jump off a picnic table to try and slam dunk a ball because u might just land wrong like i did and break my leg. it sucks but what are you to do. I have to deal with it, make the best of it and move on! My cast is light blue, and goes almost to my knee. for sure the worst part of it was when they had to set the bone. hurt so bad. now I am trying to get used to one armed crutching lol. definately harder than i expected. havent been using the crutch a whole lot, just hopping. they suggested a wheelchair since crutching will be hard with one arm but i don;t like that idea lol. i still have one good leg so might as well use it lol.

I went back to vacation bible school today and everyone was suprised to see me. got a huge welcome which was really cool. have a lot of signatures on my cast and have only had it a day lol. I signed cliftons name on my cast so it would be like he signed it lol (i know i am a dork like that) instead of being one of the people running sports like i had been I was moved to running crafts with Abby. She seems pretty cool. Will also be going to my high school so nice to know someone else.

I talked to my pastor who was at VBS and told him i wanted to be a youth pastor and asked him more about what it would take and how to get the skills and where to study and stuff. we had a really good talk. I'm more excited now. think it will be really cool. i like finding something i want to do when i am out of school and it having a good chance of happening :)

now back to talking to clifton. he is waiting for me and going away for the weekend so wont be able to talk to him for days :( lol also going to take something to help with the pain in my leg.

bye for now.

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